Friday, July 02, 2010

Life in 3 Parts

It’s been a crazy couple of months. Was in Philly for two weeks to see my dearly missed friends. Returned and took off to the Olympic National Park for the Memorial weekend. Family came to visit for yet another two weeks. Went on a cruise to Alaska for a week. Squeezed in as many Pilates hours and translation work as humanly possible in between the little time left. It was crazy, but also very very fun. It’s funny how one feels really alive only when living such an adrenaline-paced life. It’s like only when we feel we don’t have enough time that we are really making use of time. This is so wrong. Still, I love living life like this. There’s always something to do, and always something to look forward to. I’m still getting 6- 8 hours every night (now old liaoz, can no longer function on 2-4 hours). I don’t spend as much time on the TV, but the Netflix subscription makes sure I still catch a couple of films a week. Life may not be especially easy, and there’s always a burning sensation that I’m on the brink of missing a deadline, but nobody really likes it when everything is truly smooth-sailing, isn’t it?


Watched Remember Me last night. It’s a film I put on the list so long ago I no longer remember what it was about. At the beginning, I simply enjoyed watching a Robert Pattinson with a healthy skin tone. Then I slowly got pulled into the story. It’s a sensitively filmed piece, with great performances by almost all the characters. I love the female lead and her joie de vie; it may be sparked from a childhood tragedy, but it really made her shine. Because I forgot the trailer, I didn’t pick up on the ending twist until about two minutes before, so it didn’t detract me from enjoying the first part of the film and I really got caught into the relationship between Tyler and Ally without having to think of the inevitable tragic ending. That made the film a whole lot more enjoyable. I like how the ending was more poignant than provocative. There weren’t many tears and breakdowns. The film focused more on the living than the dead. Death doesn’t take away meaning from life. I originally was going to skip the film that night, caused I felt too tired for a tearjerker. I’m glad it turned out to be more than that.


It’s one of those days when little things suddenly seem to mean a lot more than usual.

I was feeling a little grouchy this morning. I woke up wishing I could just go back to bed. Feeling sleep-heavy, every move felt a little slower than usual. I left the house five minutes later than I should and when I turned into the 520 ramp and saw the non-moving traffic, a number of expletives ran through my mind. I turned on the signal and saw a little gap between two cars. Intending to cut in, I turned my head and saw the driver of the car giving me a little nod, indicating that he was going to let me cut in. It’s a small tiny gesture, but somehow, it made my entire morning that much better. It was a quick moment in the early morning and I didn’t smile as I usually would, and I don’t know if he could see it even if I did, but somehow, I wished I gave him a smile when I nodded my thanks….

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