Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Disneyland, Oriental-Style

Took a detour through chinatown today between oral examinations and a dinner date at Clarke Quay. I can barely recognize the place. I felt like a tourist. Hell, anyone would feel like a tourist. It's like Disneyland, Oriental-style. There are pedestrian streets complete with paris-style street cafes and German wurstelstands selling kasekrainer (which I was actually tempted to buy in memory of my 04 Europe trip). Colorful swatches of fabrics reminiscence of Thai street markets gleamed with polished slabs of seals.

Never underestimate the power of commercialism.

I always knew Chinatown has turned into a tourist stop. The rainbow of colors splashed over the rows of shophouses and the overpriced hawker fare at Smith St. was hard to overlook. But, when did it totally lose its soul?

The epitome of "tourist spot". When a place exists sole for tourists. and became an oxymoron in itself.

I think about the Chinatown that was. And never would be again.

Thanks heaven for the groups of checkers-playing old men next to the brand new temple. who incidentally still spat on the floor after clearing their throat. the only identity of Chinatown.

p.s. Am I the only one who blinked at the transliteration of Temple Street, two different ones side by side? What's wrong with a direct translation of Temple?

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