Lazing in bed now even though its nearly noon…. Am in such a lazy holiday mood ever since we got back from the Rockies.
Well, it was a long, long drive… watching the scenery outside turn from black and white to brown and green… snow-covered mountains to wide plains… kinda stressful at times thou because of the icy roads and the many warning signs of compact snow and winter driving conditions and dangerous high mountain roads with unpredictable weather. But we made it home safe… had a short stopover in Vancouver and ate at the same sushi café we did 3 years back at Water St. and took photos at my favorite photo site with the white sails of Canada Place as the background..
It was a wonderful and hugely memorable trip…all the snow and icefalls and breathtaking winter scenes and the cold and warmth of walking in such a winter wonderland… It’s a white Christmas…
And now we’re home and lazy…. Except for cooking, I’m barely doing anything else… (I did go out to make a secret X’mas pressie for P yesterday).... just grocery-shopping, napped and loll around in bed reading novels and watching dvds… plan to go send off some presents and cards later and shop for more groceries for Christmas cooking tomorrow and that’s about it…not that P is more productive… for someone that complained about missing a day of work, he’s spending lots of time on his Civilization computer games.
However, I do love these lazy and peaceful days... the Christmas carols playing over the speakers… the companionship and joy of enjoying the simple gifts in life… a good book, a happy movie… and yes, a good strategic game :p
We might go out tomorrow though to Bellevue downtown… Bellevue is a familiar yet somehow slightly strange place… I remember knowing it well after spending a month here, but its been 3 years… so its kinda irritating… having the knowledge that I used to know it well but needing things to trigger the memory… like which freeway exit to take when driving back and the streets around… and what bus to take to go downtown… It’s definitely not Boston… which I do still know well and miss… there’s no snow here… which is easier yet sad…
Planning to do some major cooking tomorrow as I always do on my last day, added benefit that it’ll be our early Christmas celebration…
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