And now, the reviews of the four Broadway shows we caught (you'll think I went to New York for Broadway only)
All four shows were good and unique in their own way, but the first show, I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change was definitely the one both P and I liked best, the fact we were seated 1st row center didn't hurt. A show about the trials and tribulations of dating, marriage and growing old together hit close to home for us, we can identify with almost the entire show! From the scene about a guy carrying Macy's bags and singing about waiting, 'We came here for shoes, like she needs more shoes' (P would change the shoes to bags, accessories and god-knows-what-else) to the couple fighting in the car and the line 'I can live with that'. We know what they are singing about, and it made the mirthful show so much more funny and real to us. There was a particular poignant scene about a husband looking at his wife of 30 years across the breakfast table and singing 'Shouldn't I love you less' which especially touched us and the line, "I love you, you're perfect, now change". We look for the person that's perfect for us. and spend the rest of our life changing true... how sad...
42nd Street was tap dance heaven... a show on Broadway about Broadway, the dance steps are amazing and breathtaking.... The story was simple but it really gave us an insight about the world of Broadway......Come and meet those dancing feet... on Forty-Second Street...... This is the musical that...s simply fun, a show that you can let yourself relax and just be drawn in the beat of dancing feet...
Compared to the previous musicals, Rent was definitely not fun... it is raw and angry and pure energy...a story about life in New York City, and not the glitter but the slums...the homeless and the hungry...a tale about how New York treats their tired and poor and their huddled masses yearning to breathe free... the wretched refuse of their teeming shores... I cried when Angel died, I guess it is true; some stories never have happy endings...
La Cage aux Folles wasn't exactly what I expected, the cabaret part of it was outrageous and entertaining, but the story line I wanted to see wasn't as fulfilling as expected... it didn't touch, and seems contrived somehow. The way Albin reacted when told he wasn't to attend his son's wedding seems mechanical and the scene on the sand between two men who shared a 20 year relationship simply didn't have the heart it should... Slightly disappointed, but still, it was good fun and did its job in amusing us.
Overall, I really liked New York, the big, bad city it is, with its glam and mess and throngs of people everywhere...It's a wonderful place to visit and especially exciting and dazzling in December...and it gave us five grand days =)
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