Spent a lazy last week here...Christmas Eve and Christmas was spent mostly lounging in bed, reading, watching movies or playing computer games...we did absolutely naught and didn't venture out of our room except to cook. We did a creamy mushroom sauce with pasta for Christmas Eve and a yummy marinated chicken with noodles for Christmas...
P completed his Prince of Persia and my 仙剑奇侠传, spent many many hours on these...and we finished up our collection of dvds and borrowed two from the front desk too! Its cozy watching dvds in the dark on the bed...we watched Love, Actually on Christmas night, it wasn't really up to expectations, it had a slightly disorganized feel about it somehow... we did The Birdcage to get a different feel for La Cage, Kill Bill 2 which was the only one P really liked with all the action and blood, in fact, he complained why there isn't more blood when Bill was really killed! I finally watched Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind, which was, honestly, a very strange movie, I didn't start liking it until halfway thru...but I really liked the part when it was Joel and Clem's last time together in his mind and she asked what they were going to do, and he answered "Enjoy it"...and we did Sunrise/Sunset because I wanted to watch them with the dialogue and with P...
Naturally, the skies and deities waited until Christmas was over before they were willing to drop a flake of snow...but the snow on the 26th was lovely, fine soft flakes covering Cambridge with a beautiful white powder...I'm glad that P left the car parked outside so when it appeared that the snow wasn't going to stop anytime soon, we had to go out to park the car in the garage... loved walking in such powdery soft snow... its overnight snow, meaning that I get to sink in snow while walking before going home...and I love that..
We had two sinful dessert suppers in our last week... the first at Finale, a desserterie which served exquisitely small but rich desserts, including one called molten hot chocolate that is really pure melting chocolate... the second was at Top of the Hub with a couple of friends tonight, we ordered almost all the desserts on the menu, all on par with Finale with the added benefit of a magnificent night view of Boston's sparkling lights....
We played badminton on Tuesday for about an hour and it felt really good to get off my butt after so many days of lazing in bed! Althou my arms feel all achy now... Also did a short bout of treadmill which hopefully burnt off all the calories I put in after all the rich food I ate recently. Althou they went straight back in with the kfc after the exercise. It felt so refreshing to go out in the cold air after exercise... so very invigorating to breathe in the frosty air, much better than air-con...
Did a lot of shopping on our last day here, taking advantage of the after-X'mas winter clearance sale...poor P, dragged along behind me trying on shoes and pants and whatnot and spending mounds of money, but had a pretty good haul with 4 sets of pants that I've been looking for, and we had a minor miracle this morning, ...two soundtracks that I ordered off Amazon and gave up on arriving before we flew arrived! I was so happy and amazed! I've been checking and re-checking and the track-parcel page was never updated, and today being the last day... I really gave up all hope, only to have P drop the box in my lap after getting the mail in the morning :)
The rest of the day was spent packing... and P also made some minor adjustments to this site...
And tomorrow... its our long voyage home...