Monday, February 26, 2007
Each message means, you are in my thoughts.
Sunday, February 18, 2007

2月16日 —— 2月17日。
Monday, February 12, 2007
Fundamentally Happy
Watched a couple of good shows recently, one of which was Fundamentally Happy.
Heard rave reviews about the play’s first showing and went in with high expectations. Wasn’t disappointed… but wasn’t terribly impressed either.
I like it, and I don’t.
I like it for the surfeit of emotions and the questions and feelings it digs up within us and the fact that it doesn’t give simple answers. It doesn’t give any answers at all. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture and there isn’t any right or wrong. The playwright laughingly commented that we could even see the play as “morally evil” and in its twisted way, we can.
It shows the truth the way it is. Complex.
I also like the clarity defined in the neatly boxed setting of the new Gallery Theatre.
I don’t like it for the slightly erratic writing, the start of each act seems contrived somehow and the about face turn in the frequent change of emotions is too abrupt to be believable, making the acting seem over the top at times when the actor tries to make up for it. The play didn’t ring true at times.
The ending music was hauntingly perfect but I didn’t cry and didn’t even feel like crying, and that says a lot. I wasn’t drawn in to feel for the characters and somehow that says it all. It’s a pity because I felt there was so much potential and so much more that could be wrung out from this story.
I can see why so many people liked this piece and I do recommend it when it shows again (there’s another run scheduled I think). I’ll even see it again… perhaps in a different mood and changes, it’ll stir different reactions…

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Random Thoughts of the Day
Now Playing: Unfaithful - Rihanna
I die a little every Wednesday… if not physically, then mentally….
I hate the showers at One Raffles Quay. They run between scalding hot and freezing cold in seconds, fickle and temperamental lovers.
I have yet to meet a printer that doesn’t dislike me at first sight. Why???
I realize I have this ingrained reaction of asking for permission to leave a class and am genetically disposed to being late for class. Even during gym class, I’ll try to catch the eye of the instructor and receive a nod of acknowledgement before leaving the class with a peace of mind. And I feel guilty like hell if I’m late, even if nobody else really cares. And after more than a year, I still get a jolt sometimes when my kids ask me for permission to leave the class to go toilet/refill water/whatever. It’s like a reminder that I’m a teacher when I’m still a student mentally. Huh.
I miss jazz…
Monday, February 05, 2007
public transport woes
I have an unwritten rule of no taxis, no matter what, but I decided to break it on Wednesday after a grueling resistance training and a demoralizing rueda session where I discovered that I no longer know how to turn. After more than fifteen minutes of waiting at various roadsides and flagging red-topped taxis that are invariably hired or on call and taxis that only go tampines and pasir ris (why only east???), I gave up and started for the mrt station. Only to flag down the only one green-for-hire taxi in sight when I was about to reach the mrt station about ten minutes later.
The next night on Thursday was a easy night with a light rpm session (although ‘light’ and ‘rpm’ together is an oxymoron) and a soft pilates session. So I decided to take the long bus ride home, and ended up waiting for over 30 minutes for the horrible bus while green top taxis breezed by in packs.
The two places aren’t that far apart! Maybe a fifteen, twenty minute walk, where the hell were all those taxis on Wednesday???
Friday was salsa night, the kind of fun dance night that I haven’t had for a long, long while. Saw many old dance friends that invariably turned up closer to eleven pm. Although I promised myself to leave on the dot, dancing “last dances” with friends pushed the time closer to eleven thirty instead. Ran all the way to the mrt station to wait another 5 minutes on the platform and inevitably missed the last bus home.
Haiz. *looks heavenwards* What did I ever do to you, O god of public transport???
Never mind, as the old saying goes, 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤. Although what kind of 大任 requires chasing after elusive taxis and waiting for never-ever-coming buses drove by bus drivers with no sense of time, I have no idea.