Now Playing: Every Breath You Take - Emi Fujita*surfaces and dusts off the journal*
I am definitely not good at keeping a journal… its been 2 weeks since I’ve last updated! Darn… must work harder at this..
What’s new in the life? School started which is the major reason for the lack of updates, been dizzy running around recently busy with the CCA which did 3 shows recently, 2 for the orientation and the last which isn’t really a show but had so many darn rehearsals for a less than 3 minutes “welcome” and a less than 2 minutes finale…for 5 minutes worth of show, it took numerous rehearsals through the past 2 weeks and 2 full days down at UCC. Is it worth it? Well… all I know was I breathed a lot easier when it was all over.... there was so many nitty-gritty little things to look out for… minor ones including the fact that the lion heads must have someone looking after them at all times, there was two shows at the UCC therefore two guest-of-honors arriving and I had to make sure the lion heads only appeared after the other show guest-of-honor arrives (it didn’t help that I’m not into politics and had absolutely no idea what the minister of state looked like and had no idea who among the many vvips is the guy!). Added to all is the incessant chatter of my girls… I have a near-migraine by the time I get home each night…
My co-teacher-in-charge was laughing at me when I muttered for the darn guest-of-honor to get in the hall so I can get my boys to carry the silver cart with the enormous drum across the hall and stow it away safely for the night. Yes, carry, coz UCC is afraid that rolling it over with it rubber-soled wheels will scratch their precious marble floor... but at that point… all I wanted was for it all to be over…
Thank goodness 50 years only comes once every… erm… 50 years… hopefully the next time another 50 years rolls around, I’ll only have to turn up before the show starts and settle in comfortably to enjoy it…
Still, it’s a worthwhile experience… for the whole school to work together to put up a show, one can really feel the school spirit… like BH said… 50 years doesn’t come by easily…
And although I didn’t tell them, I’m really proud of my wushu kids… they did really well for both the wushu show in the orientation and the welcome and finale last night… I can really see the change in them… from the nervous first time they had to perform on the parade ground for the “lighting of eyes” ritual, to the poise they showed last night… I was biting my nails for fear that they’ll miss the finale cue but they came exactly on time…
They have been training almost daily since the holidays started last year and for long hours each time (I’m talking from 11am to 6pm)… I know they are tired and their parents aren’t very happy with the long hours and frequent trainings… but other than the few times they come to me and ask when their last performance is, they barely complained… they are good kids, incessant chatter and all… and the poor things will have a long time to wait before they can take a break... the upcoming show for cny is due in two weeks and after that is the Chinese Culture Fortnight...