Friday, May 13, 2005
5月10日,知道自己被派去那间学校了。是间好学校,名誉好,学生优。若我实习前便去那间学校,我应该会很开心。但,现在,经过实习的洗礼后,一切已今非 昔比。想念我的那些坏学生,习惯上课时把目标调到最低,用最简单的语言。习惯每次派下功课,就要花2个星期追回。习惯骂学生时,他们调皮的回嘴。这些,都 不是新学校会有的。不知道,我是否能重新适应这个新的环境。好的学校,要求会更高,又是另一个新的挑战。
a good life...
Lead quite a fulfilling life recently… watched a couple of good shows, and met up with some good friends for clean and simple fun…
Watched Happy on Saturday with some Beida friends. It was a good musical, although highly strung. Came out with an headache from the concentrated tension throughout the play, but it was worth it. DramaBox’s plays never hold back, you either love it or hate it…I really liked the way they potrayed Oscar Wilde, reciting the lines from his letters and the depiction of Salome and the Happy Prince in between..
Sunday was Mother’s Day, spent the day at home with mom and dyed her hair, a simple gift for Mother’s Day… Dad cooked lunch and Lew and I did dinner although mine turned out a disaster. Reminder: Milk is not a good substitute for light cream.
Watched Sommersturn with X on Monday. Loved it, not so much for the gay theme, but for the delicate way they treated the complex feelings of the unrequited love for one’s best friend. Wished they developed more on the feelings of Achim instead of focusing almost solely on Tobi, the fleeting scenes whetted the appetite but did not really satisfy, but it was a wonderful film overall, one of the better films on homosexuals, not to mention the multitude of eye candy available.
Tuesday was mahjong with J and E, and the much laughter aroused from 3 people that do not really know how to play… Laughter over the mistakes and unforgiving remarks… We enjoyed it so much that we played again on Wednesday! We did much better on Wed though, esp E, for one that threw “the green word” despite much warnings to allow a bankrupt win for the first day and claiming not to know the rules, he certainly won enough to warrant being pelted by tiles…
Watched Bonjour Monsieur Shlomi on Wed morn with L and her friend K. One of the sweetest films I’ve watched in a long time, a show about the love one special boy can have for all the people surrounding him, a boy blessed with the weight of the world on his shoulders. The theme is similar to Amelie, but oh so much better. The storyline is amazingly simple, yet amazingly moving. I felt the tears coming on at the end of the film, yet they came with a smile
Thursday was the visit to Nee Soon camp, a visit that turned out to be surprisingly interesting with a chance at live firing of which I actually managed to hit the target all 3 times, ha, so proud of myself. Afternoon was spent with L and Z at the KTV, celebrating Z’s birthday. We sang from 3 to 7, haven’t done KTV for awhile and forgot how much I enjoyed it. We had HK fare for lunch, and I ordered a chicken porridge that was yummilicous, very similar to the one P and I ate in New York! It was so good that I went back and ordered takeaway for dinner.
Good food, Good films, Good fun and most of all… Good friends…
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
在麦当劳给我中三的学生补习。没想到,他们上周五说要补课,竟然是认真的。而且,全班学生竟然来了三分之一,比正式补课还多。尤其,来了几个从来不认真听 课的学生,让人不知该感动还是惊讶,如浩威和伟良。浩威,因为整天被我留堂,我以为我走了,他解脱了,应该能避就避,没想到竟然还会主动出现在我面前。伟 良,因为他自己都有华文补习了,而且,他知道,他若来,就一定会被我“针对”,因为我说过他的成绩最烂。果然,他一来,就被我赶到一边读听写,没读好就不 能动。他听写第一课时,其他同学都围着看,在他竟然写得出第一个词“瑕疵”时还集体喝彩,哈。
约三个小时的补习,直到我们被麦当劳的员工赶,时间飞逝。我的这一群学生,决不肯安安静静的读书的,总是搞一些小动作让我笑,上厕所时前问我可不 可以,还跟我要pass, 埋怨我为什么改测验改得那么严,伟良还为他9分的作文成绩耿耿于怀。这些贫嘴的坏学生,临走前竟然还起立,在麦当劳中大声喊“谢谢罗老师”。平时上课时都 不见他们这么“有心”!存心让我“出名”哦。但,真的很感动。这是最后一堂课了,和这一群让我放不下的学生。
真的很舍不得,结束后,心情很郁闷。打电话给萱,要她陪我吃晚饭。碰巧,她这天心情也很差,吃了晚饭后,两个人都不想回家,便边走边聊。没想到,走着走着,竟然从West Mall 走回我家!
Monday, May 02, 2005
Watched Skylight by Escape Theatre yesterday at the ArtsHouse. One of the best plays I’ve watched this year, even better than Wi!d Rice’s Boeing Boeing (which I really liked, it was a almost perfect comedy production, the perfect medicine for the stress-filled days of practicum).
Skylight, a intricate script delving deep into the characters of the two main protagonists, which were supposed to represent two different castes I think, but I simply saw them as two individuals, in love but couldn’t accept each other’s ways of thinking. The long conversations and arguments, peppered with sarcasm and filled with emotions was amazingly good and satisfying. Loved the detailed set and the wonderful acting. The last breakfast scene was somehow just perfect, soft lighting bathing the table, answering to the name of the play, Skylight. A window showcasing human emotions…
Another reason why I liked the play so much was because of Kyra’s character as a schoolteacher teaching in one of the worse schools in London, despite that she can actually get a much easier job anywhere else with her qualifications. “As long as you have one student, one student that you focus on making a difference to, that keeps you going.” That so hit the spot…
There was a story somewhere about a taxi driver saying that David Hare’s plays remind him why we go to theatre, and that is to learn. After watching so many plays… Skylight somehow recaptures the reason behind why I go to theatre as well…
Sunday, May 01, 2005
今天,慧打来问我要不要去《我们的新谣大家唱》的演唱会。其实,还有作文未改完,却决定放纵自己。 好久好久没有好好出去玩了。每天的日子,都环绕在备课,上课,追作业,留学生,改作业这个圈子中。现在终于解脱了,决定在下学期正式教学前,好好的疯一下。
很喜欢新谣,喜欢那种清清淡淡的味道,书卷味的歌词。也喜欢演唱会的气氛,露天广场,凉风习习,歌手打扮轻便,只有一个劳苦功高的吉他手伴乐。整个随意中 带温馨。许多首歌,都引起三千多个观众随声附唱,那种感觉,仿佛就像回到校园时,MAF的sing-a-long。许多歌,都勾起校园的回忆,《我们这一 班》,《细水长流》…
8个星期的实习教学,终于结束了。心中有不舍,有解脱。我的那一群混世魔王。就算到最后一分钟,依旧玩世如故。最后一天我的老师安排的补习课,整个中三班 只剩下约十几个学生。哈,剩下的几个在那里说,老师,就我们几个,怎么上课?不然这样啦,你星期三再安排一堂课,反正星期四考试,你今天教,我们也记不 住。你住哪里?我们配合你,去你家最近的麦当劳,你在那里给我们上课。这一群小魔王,真不知道得寸进尺怎么写哦。
我和朋友们谈起我的学生,他们都说我的学生真的很好笑。其实,虽然他们每次搞这种小动作时都弄得我又气又恨,但回想起来,我也忍不住好笑。真的很 舍不得。我三个班。中一班,很贴心的一群小可爱,在我的最后一堂课还给了我一个惊喜,送礼又送卡。还有两个女生亲自写了好窝心的信给我,说他们舍不得我。 让我真的好想哭,他们还拼命说,老师别哭,老师别哭。我中三班呀,就别想会有这么贴心的举动了。三个班中,我最担心的就是这个不爱读书的一班。他们最让我 放心不下。
这一群小魔头,一个个鬼灵精似的,只爱玩爱闹,却不爱读书。每天上课时都是一团糟。无论交作业也好,上课不睡也好,他们都说是给我面子,仿佛如此 我就不该再催作业或留堂了。尤其那几个最坏的学生,我想我会一直记得,我的第一群学生,第一群让我那么头痛的学生。可以想象,当我正式开始教书的时候,就 没那么多空闲时间一个个追着他们留堂做作业了。我呀,也只有在这一群学生身上,才会花那么多时间,所以,他们也算是我最不幸的学生吧!他们让我头疼,却也 带给我许多欢笑,回忆一大堆,五味杂陈。又气又笑地度过了8个星期…
我和朋友们谈起我的学生,他们都说我的学生真的很好笑。其实,虽然他们每次搞这种小动作时都弄得我又气又恨,但回想起来,我也忍不住好笑。真的很 舍不得。我三个班。中一班,很贴心的一群小可爱,在我的最后一堂课还给了我一个惊喜,送礼又送卡。还有两个女生亲自写了好窝心的信给我,说他们舍不得我。 让我真的好想哭,他们还拼命说,老师别哭,老师别哭。我中三班呀,就别想会有这么贴心的举动了。三个班中,我最担心的就是这个不爱读书的一班。他们最让我 放心不下。
这一群小魔头,一个个鬼灵精似的,只爱玩爱闹,却不爱读书。每天上课时都是一团糟。无论交作业也好,上课不睡也好,他们都说是给我面子,仿佛如此 我就不该再催作业或留堂了。尤其那几个最坏的学生,我想我会一直记得,我的第一群学生,第一群让我那么头痛的学生。可以想象,当我正式开始教书的时候,就 没那么多空闲时间一个个追着他们留堂做作业了。我呀,也只有在这一群学生身上,才会花那么多时间,所以,他们也算是我最不幸的学生吧!他们让我头疼,却也 带给我许多欢笑,回忆一大堆,五味杂陈。又气又笑地度过了8个星期…
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