Now Playing : Casablanca - Bertie Higgins
Went dancing last night with Nick and Adrian, had lots of fun and it was a great stress-reliever after a work-filled week. It was wonderful to see Nick again although he looks so tired… he had a work-filled holiday compared to me. Hope the 3 hours of dancing helped, we only got home after 2! Met a cousin whom I didn’t recognize, he changed so much but we did grow up together… so bad of me…I don’t meet my cousins often enough except for Jia… Perhaps we should organize another cousin outing for CNY? Hm… in addition to organizing the darn CNY celebrations itself for the school. Argh.
School started early for us ‘chers with full day seminars and meetings and before-start-of-school work this week… its also the time when our work throughout the year gets distributed…. Feeling extremely overwhelmed with the sheer workload lined up….the first half of the year looks geared for insanity. But now there’s a 3 day respite before the madness begins. Will try to get in more rest than fun for these 3 days… But going down to Union Sq for the countdown tonight again to get in more dancing after meeting Shimei for dinner :p
Watched a couple of films recently too… Caught Narnia yesterday… it’s an excellent film, gorgeous vistas and the acting was marvelous considering the child actors…and from what I remembered, it remained quite loyal to the book. It made me want to re-read the entire Narnia series…remember loving the novel when I read it as a kid..
Also watched Pride and Prejudice… now I understand why Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy are the favorite fiction couple of many of my friends. They are amazingly subtle and romantic and so snarky! Have never read the novel but its now near the top of my list.
Going to catch Letters Home tonight at the concourse… anyone else goin sms me! Also going to try to catch Merry Christmas at Cathay before school starts somehow… otherwise, the first two days of the year is looking to be quiet and relaxing… hope it’ll be a good omen for the entire year… *dreams as my outlook calendar mocks me*