Today is a wonderful day!
I finished my thesis! corrections, biblio, word limit, formating, even the spine!!! All done. finito. at last!
Went out with my family afterwards for a celebration of sorts. Went to my brother's dance performance (but missed his performance by a couple of minutes. damm.) after which walked around milenia, went to the milenia 'waterfall' which I visited with jx once a very long time ago but never found again. Then it was sushi sushi sushi! Satisfied my sushi craving, cali maki, yum!
took a couple of very sweet photos of my parents by the waterfall. Sometimes, when I see my parents like this, I marvel at how *together* they still are... how they supported each other through the years...but too often, I see them quarrelling...
Why do we always forget the happy times and dwell on the bad memories? Perhaps, that's why we need photos like this... to remind us, how truly fortunate we really are...